Schaus, 1933; Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (10) 11: 569; Automolis gerhilda, sp. n. Male.-Palpi fuscous fringed with cinnamon-drab. Frons metallic blue. Vertex orange-buff with some metallic-blue scales between antennre; a fine black line behind head. Collar and tegulre light orange-yellow edged with black and cinnamon scales. Thorax black, the metathorax with cinnamon and blue scaling. Thorax below fuscous ; fore femora light orange-yellow inwardly edged with metallic blue; legs fuscous behind, pinkish in front. Abdomen black with dorsal and lateral metallic-blue spots; a large subdorsal orange-buff spot at base; venter light orange-yellow with broad segmental black lines, narrower at base. Fore wing benzo-brown, the veins finely pale orange-yellow ; from base below cell to vein 3 a broad orange-buff streak with a line from it on submedian fold; an elongated pale orangeyellow spot between veins 5 and 6 beyond cell. Hind wing black, the costal margin to near apex orange-buff, expanding somewhat below cell ; the black on inner margin extending to base. Wings below the same. Expanse 39 mm. Hahit,at.-Dos Puentes, Ecuador. Type.-Cat. No. 34387, U.S. N. M.